(Whatever That Means) So, apparently, we’ve been dubbed a “power couple.” Not entirely sure what that entails—do we get capes or matching T-shirts? Maybe matching cowboy hats!? —but hey, we’ll take it!
Michael has fallen head over heels for photography, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to tag along for the ride. Watching him flex his artistic muscles is both inspiring and hilarious. He’ll tell you, “I’m no artist; I can’t even draw a stick figure.” But trust me, the man’s got a gift.
He has this uncanny knack for finding the picture within the picture, capturing moments packed with emotion—and let’s be real, that’s way better than stick figures. (Shh, don’t let him know I said that!) As for me, my role in this operation involves stretching my creative muscles through writing.
Nothing earth-shattering, just little musings about the incredible people we meet and the events we stumble into. Think of me as the narrator of our ongoing adventure. Speaking of adventures, Michael has a talent for taking me on the best ones.
Life with him is never dull, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We hope you enjoy our escapades, or at the very least, get a little chuckle out of them.
– Michelle